January 31, 2019

Podcasting Perceptions of Aging

Category: AgeUp

Author: bayview

Bayview’s AgeUp taskforce is taking a fresh approach to spreading positive messages about aging: Podcasts. AgeUp has partnered with the innovative Vera Project, an all-ages volunteer-fueled music and arts venue housed in the Seattle Center, to record a monthly candid conversation about life and perceptions of aging. The taskforce members (Bayview residents and staff ranging in age from 36 – 88) explore the challenges and joys of aging and older adulthood – the discussions are heartfelt, raw and inspiring. In fact, the Vera Project Sound Engineer was so moved by the conversations that she, too, hopes to join the AgeUp movement! So the next time you are stuck in Seattle’s notoriously bad traffic or are in need of some encouragement, go to www.ageup.org and click on “Podcasts.”  You can also find us on SoundCloud and iTunes.

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